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Founded January 5, 1986, St. John Neumann Regional Catholic School serves the elementary educational needs of Catholic families within the northeastern suburbs of the metropolitan Atlanta area.  The school was served by the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart until 1996, when it transitioned to lay leadership.  SJNRCS fulfilled the dreams of parents in Gwinnett County and neighboring areas who desired a Catholic education for their children.  Operating first in existing classrooms and office space within St. John Neumann Parish, the school was unique – a regional school serving families in eight surrounding parishes; a school that would be administered independently of the parishes it served.  When the school first opened in August 1986, 160 students walked through the doors of SJNRCS.

From this initial enrollment of 160 children in kindergarten through fifth grade in 1986, the school added sixth and seventh grade in 1987, followed by eighth grade in 1988.  Expanded facilities, including a gymnasium, six new classrooms, a cafeteria, library, administrative office space, science lab, music and art rooms were constructed and opened in 1989.

Initial accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools was achieved in December 1990.  In May 1994, the United States Department of Education awarded St. John Neumann Regional Catholic School the National Blue-Ribbon School Award for Excellence.

An Extended Day Program (EDP) for students was implemented in March 2009.  This after-school enrichment program provides adult supervision, homework assistance, outdoor play, arts and crafts, board games, organized activities, free play, and a light daily snack.  The EDP is available both before school from 7:00-7:30 a.m. and after school until 6:00 p.m. on all days when SJNRCS is in session, August through May.

The majority of our students reside in Lawrenceville, Lilburn, Snellville, and Grayson.  Over 90 percent of our students are Catholic, and their families are associated with over twenty area parishes.

Faculty and staff ail from many parts of the United States, bringing with them a diversity of educational backgrounds, as well as a richness of culture, Catholic heritage, and Catholic values.  Approximately half of the faculty possess master’s degrees, with others pursuing advanced degrees in various fields.  The average teaching experience of the faculty is 12 years. SJNRCS has specialized teachers in the following areas:  art, computer, guidance, media, music, physical education, and Spanish.  Also, available is a student support program staffed by teachers designed to help students whose needs are not fully met by the regular curriculum.  Instructional aides give valued assistance to both faculty and students at various grade levels.

St. John Neumann holds memberships in the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the National Council of Teachers of Math (NCTM), the National Council of Teachers of Social Studies (NCTSS), and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).

SJNRCS has consistently maintained high standards of achievement.  As an Archdiocesan school, the educational program at St. John Neumann follows the Archdiocesan Curriculum Guidelines that meet or exceed the state standards.  We integrate faith with knowledge. 

Welcome to SJNRC