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Financial Aid

SJNRCS through funds provided by the Archdiocese of Atlanta and through Georgia GOAL. We strive to ensure that a Catholic education is accessible to everyone, regardless of income.  In recent years we have given over $480,000 per year in financial assistance in financial aid.  Individual amounts vary based upon the financial needs of each family.  

Start your financial aid application 

The school’s financial assistance program is committed to need-based financial aid.  Archdiocesan-funded tuition assistance is available to active Catholic families and is awarded as a grant. Families requesting financial assistance must complete an application through FACTS. Additionally, a signed Parish Verification Form indicating active status must be on file at the school for consideration for Archdiocesan-funded tuition assistance. Financial aid is offered without regard to race or ethnic origin. All financial aid information provided by families is held in the strictest confidence.

Financial assistance is also available to non-Catholic families.  An application through FACTS must be completed for consideration.

Applications through the FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment are required to be considered for any financial aid or scholarship program.  

Financial aid applications will be available in January 2025


Applying for financial aid does not influence the admission decision. Students are accepted based on academic merit and personal qualities. Applications for financial aid are not addressed until after a student’s application for admission has been considered. Financial aid is not renewed automatically. Families receiving financial aid need to reapply each year.
The FACTS application is available online at the FACTS website. 


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