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For the pre-kindergarten classes, lessons and activities developed align with the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS). Throughout the year, there will be strong emphases on Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM), Social and Emotional Development (SED), Approaches to Play and Learning (APL), Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL), and Cognitive Development and General Knowledge (CD). Students will spend time learning about how to go to school and how to become active learners.  Students will also develop their fine motor and gross motor skills through the incorporation of core subjects such as religion, reading and writing, math, social studies, and science.

In religion, students will develop their relationship with God and begin the path of Catholic identity. Students will learn about their faith by attending weekly Mass. While in the presence of God, students will engage as active, reverent members of the Church.  In addition to weekly school Masses, students in Pre-K will learn about their faith through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd curriculum. The 4-6 year-old child is particularly capable of receiving and enjoying the most essential elements of our faith – the announcement of God’s love especially experienced through Jesus the Good Shepherd, who died, and is risen.   This faith formation is shared in the Atrium – a special room where all the materials are child-sized models that represent what can be found in Baptism or Eucharist.  The shelves include maps of Israel, miniature environments representing the elements of the parables or historical events from infancy, or paschal narratives that have been shown to satisfy the spiritual needs of the child. The model altar and its articles convey the centrality of the Eucharist.

The pre-kindergarten curriculum provides many opportunities for hands-on learning and activities. In reading and writing, students will be presented with various authors and titles that will help them develop complete ideas and thoughts while expanding comprehension. In math, students will have access to manipulatives such as blocks, counters, and unifix cubes to provide an opportunity for visual understanding. In social studies, students will learn about their community and how they can become active members in their classroom and school. Lastly, in science, students will experience the environment hands-on, learning about factors of nature such as weather.



Classroom Policies

Snack — Parents must send a nutritious snack daily. 
Rest Time — Rest time lasts between 45 minutes and an hour.
Bathroom Breaks — Students will be allowed to use the restroom as needed. Class restroom breaks will be taken at snack time, before nap, and after lunch.  In case of an accident, it is important to have an entire change of clothing, including socks, at school.

Parent/Teacher Communication

  • Email
  • Thursday Folders
  • Weekly Class Newsletter
  • Conference Days


Formal art class is taught once each week in addition to the daily activities provided in the classroom.

Students visit the library once a week. Pre-K children do not check out books.

Students have music once a week.  In addition, the classrooms have musical instruments and age-appropriate songs on the SmartBoard in the classroom for daily music activities.

Physical Education
Students have P.E. once a week.

Pre-K students receive Spanish lessons once each week.

Technology is incorporated through the Pre-K curriculum.